Corporate Coaching Skills: Coaching for Peak Performance
Dear %%Full Name%%,
Coaching is the in-word in the new economy. Apart from job-related and management skills, coaching is a must-have skill that all managers need to bring their members to peak performance, manage conflicts and improve te.amwork. Coaching is undoubtedly a great way of developing, leading and managing others within an organization. It has been increasingly shown that leaders of an organization who see themselves as coaches rather than managers, are more likely to move their organization from good to great.
In the workplace, most managers are able to describe what their members lack, in terms of skills or what they are doing wrong. However, many are clueless why their people still cannot perform as expected, even after they have been taught or trained in the necessary skills.
A case in point is sending sales staff for sales training when the sales manager decides his or her can do better to hit targets: “My needs to learn some great sales techniques and be able to close sales.” And so, the is packed off to attend a high impact training program. Some get fired up, and their performance improves, but some stay lackluster, or worse, dip in their performance!
Does this means training does not work? No, of course not. Training is necessary as it provides the necessary knowledge, skills and inculcates the right attitude in the However, training often only addresses the symptoms, while one-to-one coaching can uncover the real root cause of the problems, give customised advice according to their needs and habits and help overcome personal goals. Research has found that combining training with coaching is the best way to get trainees to continue to apply the knowledge, skills and to help them stay focused on the process and the outcomes, and keep them motivated.
Excellence is never an accident; it is developed and trained. Corporate coaches play a significant role in helping to develop people. The by-product of course, is the coaches are being developed themselves in the process and many have satisfactorily moved up the corporate ladder.
Developing a coaching culture in the organization will not only positively influence business results but also improve areas like employee engagement and the overall organizational climate which in turn will improve business performance. Many successful corporations, including Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Boeing and Intel, have realized great value in corporate coaching and mentoring programs in:
• Preparing for succession • Retaining high performers • Improving job performance • Managing corporate knowledge • Reducing learning time and cost
This is one workshop that will help you to uncover the amazing possibilities that exist within you and in others around you. You will also ex.plore how you could help others dis.cover their possibilities – one person at a time.
* Gain appreciation of the benefit of coaching. * Understand and learn the fundamentals and concepts of coaching.
* Know the process of and differentiate between coaching, mentoring, counselling and training.
* Dis.cover the different styles of coaching and apply the coaching structure easily. * Overcome the barriers to effective coaching
* Develop the necessary skills set to be a successful coach.
* Learn and apply influential strategies to help your breakthrough themselves in their achievement.
* Understand the setting dynamics and action framework and its application.
* Help to turn problems and obstacles into springboards for success.
* Learn how to read and respond to others to help them achieve peak performance using NLP technology.
Contact us!
For the class schedule for other intakes or in-house training, please call us at 6336 6281 or 8228 8938 for more information, or email:
Look forward to working with you,
Jessica See

Where and When
Date: 3 - 4 August 2010
Time: 9 am to 6pm
Place: NUSSU Suntec City Guild House #05-001
Follow-Up Session: 17 August, 7.00 – 10.00pm
Fee: $980
Early Bird Fee: $880 (Register before 15th July) 10% discount for 3 or more in the same organisation. Also available as an in-house program.
To register, call 8228 8938 or email:
Trainer's profile

is a Certified Professional Trainer, IPMA UK, Certified Professional Coach, IPMA, UK, Certified ACTA Trainer, Certified NLP Prac.titioner, (NFNLP-USA) and Certified Neuro-Semantics Prac.titioner, ISNS. He is one of the founders of Image Coach International, Health Coach International and Life Coaching Academy Sdn Bhd. He was also the Chief Operating Officer with the Institute of Business Coaches, and have trained many coaches under the Certified Professional Coach program.
Patrick is in great demand as a business coach, professional speaker and trainer in the area of coaching, sales, communications and leadership in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and New Zealand.
Since 2000, he has trained, mentored and coached more than 10,000 people in Singapore and Malaysia.