Self-Hypnosis - Tapping into
Your Subconscious Mind
Self-Hypnosis is a relatively fast and excellent way to access your subconscious mind, which is where lasting changes which you desire can take place in your life.
Your subconscious mind is the non-emotional part of your mind, which is simply about taking care of your well-being. The intention of your subconscious mind is always to make your life better and is open to suggestions.
To get to the subconscious mind using self-hypnosis, you must bypass the critical factor of your analytical conscious mind. This simple process which is a skill becomes very easy with practice. When the critical factor is set aside, you are connected with your subconscious mind.
The first step in self-hypnosis requires having a clear vision of your goal. It is possible that you may have many goals, it is best to focus on one goal at a time. State your goal in a single sentence. Say for example you want to use self-hypnosis for weight loss, you can then state your goal as: I weigh 54 kilos by the end of September 2009.
If your goal is concise, you can repeat it and remember it easily. This means that your subconscious mind can receive the message and help you seek your own ways of achieving your goal.
Keep your goals positive and in the present tense. Keep it simple for easy repetition.
The basic steps for self-hypnosis are similar to those you experience in a normal session with a hypnotherapist except that you are now the hypnotherapist.

A few tips that can help you with your self-hypnosis sessions:
Establish a place to practice: Choose a place where you will not be disturbed and you can be completely comfortable, whether sitting in a chair or lying down. Take the telephone off the hook to ensure that you will not be disturbed. Self-hypnosis is your gift to you. Set a time limit: Tell yourself that “Exactly 5 (or 10) minutes from now, my eyelids open automatically and I feel calm, relaxed and refreshed”
In self-hypnosis, you induce yourself into an altered state of awareness.
Self-Hypnosis Instructions:
Choose a point of eye fixation on the ceiling or on the wall, slightly above eye level, which would normally cause eye fatigue or strain. Now, breathe very slowly and deeply. As you do this, repeat, aloud or mentally, the word "relax" as you inhale and "deeper relax" as you exhale. Do this for several minutes until such time as you find yourself getting drowsy. Suggest to yourself that your eyelids are becoming heavy and tired. The goal is to acquire eye closure using this method. You want to reach a state where it is uncomfortable to keep the eyes open. Once you get your eyes closing, seemingly of their own accord, you have reached the first step in achieving self-hypnosis. Trusting your subconscious mind to carry out your suggestion. At this stage, remember your single sentence goal statement. Just say it a few times and allow it to sink into your mind. This wise part of your mind will now do the work to achieve your goal. Ego strengthening is where you encourage yourself to feel confident, joyful and general “feel good” statements. Positive affirmations can be very powerful to give your subconscious mind positive messages.
Count yourself awake by telling yourself “As I count from 1 to 5, I will become more awake, relaxed and confident. I feel great”.
As with any newly acquired skill, it is very important to practice regularly and just keep on doing it.
Believe that you will succeed and you will.
Hypnosis for Weight Loss - work with a hypnotherapist at Image Coach International.
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